08-242019Common sense about figure skatinglet me tell you about common sense:one the first thing to learn about figure skating is how to choose a very suitable pair of skates, which is very important.in teac...
12-052018How to maintain roller skates?before each use of roller skates, all screw caps should be checked carefully, and all loose ones should be tightened one by one.before use, rotate each wheel severa...
10-192017Action essentials and precautions of skatingbefore skating for the first time, you should wear elbow protection, knee protection, gloves, helmets and other protective equipment, and choose proper skates. do ...
07-262014How to choose a pair of skates for youto choose a pair of skates suitable for you, first of all, you have to determine what kind of skates you want. as an ice sport, skating mainly includes three catego...